Welcome back to one interesting topic.
Myself Chakrapani Upadhyaya, full stack developer. In this article we will learn about the difference between Swagger, Postman and Fiddler.
In simple word, swagger is API documentation tool and specification, Postman is used for API development and testing finally fiddler is used for capturing and analyzing HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
Which one to Use?
It depending on your needs, you might use one or combination of these tools in your API development workflow.
Lets look into this bit detail....
It is also know as OpenAPI, it is a specification for describing and documenting RestFul APIs. I mean it helps developers to understand how an API works, what end point it has, what data it expects and what response it will provide.
By using swagger, developers can communicate the api details clearly and efficiently, making it easier to build and consume APIs.
Postman is very handy tool, with the help of postman developer can work with APIs. It allows developers to send requests to APIs and see the responses they provide.
With Postman developers can tests and explore APIs easily, making it a useful tool for building and debugging API related tasks.
We can say that, it is a virtual assistant for developers working with APIs, simplifying theprocess of sending requests and receiving responses from APIs.
Fiddler is a free web debugging proxy for any browser and platform. In simple words Fiddler is a free web debugging tool which logs all HTTP and HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.
We can use Fiddler to debug web traffic and conduct performance tests on your site.
We can use Fiddler to decrypt web traffic and manipulate sessions and requests.
Finally, swagger is API documentation tool and specification, Postman is used for API development and testing finally fiddler is used for capturing and analyzing HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
That's it for now, See you in new topic. Until then take care bye.