
MS SQL Server 21 - Retrieve 50% of records from a SQL Server table

To retrieve 50% of records from a SQL Server table, you can use the TABLESAMPLE clause or a combination of ROW_NUMBER() and TOP. Below are two methods to achieve this:

Using ROW_NUMBER() and TOP

This method involves ordering the records and then selecting the top 50% based on the total row count. This method provides more control and ensures you get exactly 50% of the records.

Here's the complete SQL script to create the database, create the Users table, insert the sample data, and select all records:

create database MyLearningDB

use MyLearningDB

create table Users
	id int primary key identity(1,1),
	fullname varchar(100),
	emailid  varchar(200),
	status   varchar(10)

insert into Users values

select * from Users

Running this script will create a database named MyLearningDB, create a table named Users within that database, insert 8 sample records, and then display all the records in the Users table.

Here is the logic to retrieve the 50% of records.

WITH RankedRecords AS (
    SELECT *,
           COUNT(*) OVER () AS TotalRows
    FROM Users
FROM RankedRecords
WHERE RowNum <= TotalRows / 2;


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  1. ROW_NUMBER(): Assigns a unique sequential integer to rows within the result set.
  2. COUNT(*) OVER (): Calculates the total number of rows in the table.
  3. RankedRecords CTE: Creates a Common Table Expression (CTE) that includes the row number and total row count.
  4. Final SELECT: Filters the rows to include only the first 50% based on the row number.


  • Ensure that the ordering within ROW_NUMBER() is appropriate for your use case. The ORDER BY (SELECT NULL) syntax generates a random ordering, but you may want to order by a specific column instead.
  • These queries should be tested and optimized according to your specific database schema and requirements.

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